主讲人:Professor Colin Sparks, Professor Jacques Guyot, Dianjing Li
时间:11月12日 09:30-12:00 14:00-16:30
11月13日 09:30-12:00 14:00-16:30
Professor Colin Sparks
现为香港浸会大学传理学院讲座教授,兼媒体与传播研究中心主任,威斯敏斯特大学传播学荣誉教授,多种国际学术期刊编辑,其为Media,Culture and Society 的发起人和编辑之一,在传播学研究领域享有国际声誉。 1974-2011年在英国威斯敏斯特大学任教,担任传播艺术学院院长,并创立英国第一所中国媒体研究中心。出版著作涉及BBC、报纸、传播、媒体全球化等多项领域。1979年创立Media, Culture and Society,这本期刊在目前仍是欧洲顶尖之一的传播学期刊。出版著作《发展、全球化和大众传播》等3部,在Journal of Communication等国际权威期刊发表论文40余篇。同时担任
Professor Jacques Guyot
法国巴黎第八大学媒体、技术与国际研究中心教授。代表著作:Les archives audiovisuelles. Histoire, culture, politique, Paris, Armand Colin, 2011. Les techniques audiovisuelles, Paris, PUF (Que sais-je?), 1997. L’écranpublicitaire. Idéologie et savoir-faire des professionnels de la publicité dans l’audiovisuel (1968-1992), Paris, L’Harmattan, 1992.
Dianjing Li
Advertising in global arena
Lecture 1:When advertising industries take over the field of communication
by Professor Jacques Guyot, Paris 8 University (2 hours)
Born along with the rise of consumer's society, advertising agencies were specialisedinpromoting commercial goods and services and usually operated at local or national levels.This is no longer the case and since the 1980s, advertisers have become major actors inshaping the public sphere through media financing, political communication, art andcreation, etc. Moreover, in the era of economic and cultural globalisation, this branch of
activities expanded rapidly and extended its world wide networks.The purpose of the lecture is to analyse the shift from purely commercial activities to bigtransnational agencies whose methods directly affect the means of communication and theway to mediate cultural, social and political issues.
Lecture 2: Globalisation in transitional societies
by Professor Colin Sparks, University of Westminster/ Hong Kong Baptist University(2 hours)
The lecture would help us understand the phenomena of globalisation in transitionalsocieties like China. What is ‘globalisation' and ‘transitional societies’? Why are the twoterm important? How do we combine the two complicated concepts together to makesense about the world? The lecture would provide an inspiring angle for students fromAdvertising School to critically locate the ‘adverted’ products in the context of globalisation.
Lecture 3: Audience of transcultural media in China
byDianjing Li, PhD candidate, University of Westminster(2 hours)
From the perspective of audience study, this lecture would introduce general methodological theories on researching transcultural media, which might be helpful for students to locate the transcultural media and their diversified users in contemporary China. Though both quantitative and qualitative research methods would be included, the dialogues between media studies and anthropology would be highlighted.
Workshop 1: A local perspective: International advertising in China(Group work)
1. Content Features of the international advertising contents? Changes?
2. Product What are the internationally advertised products in China?
3. Media Advertising strategies in China? On what platforms?
4. Industry Advertising agencies are dying? Challenges and solutions.
5. Audience. Who are the audience of international advertisements in China?
Workshop 2: Research methods on global media
Students need propose a research plan on global media phenomena, which should include the seven elements provided below: Title (topic), Abstract, Research Background, Research Questions, Research Methods, Significance of Research, Reference. (Group work)
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